Our WHY.....
The vision of Lanier County Family Connection is to see citizens of Lanier County safe, educated, healthy and community minded. Our goals are: School Readiness, Self Sufficient Families, and Strong Communities. We support our families by providing them with programs and activities developed around these goals.
The Birth to Five Literacy Initiative began in 2018. This initiative was developed with the desired outcome of improved school readiness and success in Lanier County. Almost 70% of our three and four year old children do not attend preschool. This is almost 30 percentage points higher than the state. Get Georgia Reading and Talk With Me Baby are both websites filled with information on the importance of vocabulary and access to literacy along with incredible resources for home, school, and in the community. So with all this information we know that in order to meet this goal, we need to increase family, school and community resources and services to support education success for families with kids’ birth to five.

Our HOW.....
We developed eight activities/programs, but today we are focusing on one of these ways - Little Free Book Houses. These houses are placed in targeted areas throughout Lanier County. Our plan is to reach the 750 children five and under and the 30% of our children living in poverty. To meet this goal, we need to place at least 10 more Little Free Book Houses in target areas to add to the three Little Free Book Houses already built. The Little Free Book Houses will need to be built, painted, placed securely in the ground, filled with books, and maintained on a monthly basis. In order to do this we need the two things all non profits need: Funding and Volunteers! So we are asking YOU to invest in the lives of the 750 children under the age of five in our community by partnering with us on this mission.
$500 donation - Builds the complete Little Free Book House. Donor will select the name placed on the plaque attached to the book house. Name will be in honor or memory of the person who created your love of reading!
$100 donation - Donor selects the name placed on the plaque in honor or in memory of the person who created your love of reading!
$50 donation – This donation will supply the paint for one Little Free Book House
$25 donation – This donation will provide books to fill one Little Free Book House
No money, but still want to help then volunteer your time!
We are excited to see the difference this will make in the community! Let's make sure by the time the 750 kids make it to kindergarten they are ready to read! Filled with vocabulary and the love of reading! It truly takes a village and we are glad you are all our village!