Donating financially is not the only way you can help Lanier County Family Connection. We have developed a list of ways anyone can give back!
1. Donate Books. We are always looking for good children's books for our Little Free Book Houses around town. During COVID19 we need these books more than ever. Since libraries are closed this is the only way for families to find free books.
2. Volunteer. Although things are not the same as they were before, we still need volunteers, for deliveries, to back lunches, to contact families, and to send thank you notes. To volunteer complete this simple form.
3. Visit a neighbor. We know its hard to visit your neighbor right now, but be creative. Make a poster and hold it up outside. Make an encouraging poster and leave it at their door. Or even bake them some cookies and leave it on the porch. People need people right now.
4. School Supplies. In August, we always have Community Day the Saturday before school starts. We aren't sure in Community Day will look the same this year, but we do know families will need help with supplies now more than ever. Pick up some school supplies and contact us at 229-585-1986 or email and we will come and pick them up or give you a drop off location.
