October is the month we recognize and bring awareness to Domestic Violence . Domestic Violence includes family violence, intimate partner violence, and teen dating violence. The Office of Violence Against Women defines domestic violence as “a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner.”
The following Georgia Domestic Violence Statistics come from the Georgia Commission on Family Violence:
From 2003 through 2018, at least 2,035 Georgia citizens lost their lives due to domestic violence.
Georgia was recently ranked 25th in the nation for its rate of men killing women.
Firearms were the cause of death in 72% of recorded domestic violence fatalities in 2018.
49% of victims in cases studied by Georgia’s Domestic Violence Fatality Review Project began their relationship with the person who eventually killed them when they were between the ages of 13-24.
In 37% of the cases studied by Georgia’s Domestic Violence Fatality Review Project, children witnessed the domestic violence homicide.
In 2017, law enforcement agencies reported response to 61,824 family violence incidents in Georgia.
In 2017, there were 26,327 protective and stalking orders issued in Georgia.
In FFY 2018, there were 45,715 crisis calls to Georgia’s certified domestic violence agencies.
In FFY 2018, 6,152 victims and children who were provided 452,998 nights of refuge in a Georgia domestic violence shelter.
In FFY 2018, 2,753 victims made a request for shelter but their request was not met due to lack of space.
If you know someone being abuse or if you are being abuse please call this 24 hour hotline:
For more information about this article of Domestic Violence Awareness Month please contact Lanier County Family Connection at 229-585-1986.
